Lifetime Achievement KVP
Dr. Kalyan Banerjee
Dr. Kalyan Banerjee, the Honorary Homeopathic Physician to the President of India and recipient of Padma Shree (2009) for his distinguished service in the field of medicine, has spent his lifetime serving people from economically backward classes. A kind hearted humanitarian, Dr. Kalyan Banerjee established his Clinic in 1977, where he offered free consultation, irrespective of cast, creed, religion or financial standing. This charitable work over three decades has resulted in millions of the underprivileged getting access to health care and being cured of serious illnesses. Approximately, 30 million charitable prescriptions have been served by Dr. Banerjee without any consultation charges and without any grants, endowments or donations from any individual or organisation. He has won numerous awards for his work, notably the Dr. K. R. Narayanan Memorial Award in 2010 for Lifetime Achievement in Homeopathy. He has granted several papers at International and National Conference on Leukaemia, Renal Faliure, complicated Fever and Hemorrhagic diseases. He continues to serve lakhs of families from all over the country and from around the world on a regular basis.
Global Citizen Lifetime Achievement KVP
Dr. David M. Dror
Dr. Dror is a Swiss national residing in India. He has dedicated himself to developing and implementing a micro insurance model that could deliver financial safety directly to grassroots communities. Years of field-work in low-income settings confirmed that poor people had nowhere to turn for the insurance knowledge required to organize their own Micro insurance Units. He established the non-profit Micro Insurance Academy to provide structured Technical Assistance, to "help communities manage risks from the ground up". This micro insurance solution offers an answer to inevitable calamities, while simultaneously ensuring it is customized to the needs of poor, allowing their participation in insurance design/administration. It is socially responsible to people. He has been felicitated with numerous awards and grants and also has had his articles published in various journals.
Global Citizen KVP
Duncan Watkinson
Mr. Duncan Watkinson, Managing Director of Turbocam India, has brought the company from scratch to a turnover of over 20 crores. His life has been an example of frugal living and sacrifice in serving the poor and needy across India. He is involved with various works to serve the poor and needy such as running clinics, slum schools, a leprosy ambulance and old people's home. He has relentlessly pursued anti corruption policies. He is the Founder Trustee of The SPAN Trust, Bangalore, which helps the leprosy affected to earn a living. It also runs a Day Care Centre and Infant School in a Pune slum and self-help programmes for women. Mr. Duncan Watkinson has been advisor to Jesus Mercy Home Association Society, which runs orphanages, a rural hospital and nurses' training in Tamil Nadu. He also cares for the leprosy-affected in Gulbarga through Karuna Charitable Trust, in which he is the Trustee. Mr. Watkinson has tirelessly pursued the path of honesty, integrity, social justice and mercy in action.
Global Artistes 4 Change KVP
Arzell Papazell Nelson
Arzell Nelson was born and brought up in Cincinnati, Ohio. He retired as the Executive Director of the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission and served as a Cultural/Ethnic Diversity Consultant. He has been with programs such as Share Food, which involved food distribution to poor and working class citizens at minimum cost. He was also involved with "Back On the Block" program to provide education, recreation and employment opportunities to youth and young adults between the ages of 14 to 25 years. With Police/Safety and Community Relations program, he gave training to police personnel, fire personnel and citizens in the area of Cultural Diversity, Crisis Intervention and Human Relations. The Governor George Voinovich of Ohio recognized his work by proclamation on two different occasions for his civic leadership and for promoting cultural diversity. President Clinton of the United States recognized Arzell with two letters of appreciation for his services rendered in the area of human relations. He is currently working on a film documentary and TV series called "Don't Count Me Out" that will address the issue of Violence against "Women & Children". Arzell is also a part of the Health-Care Connection that sponsors a benefit concert every year to raise money for those who cannot afford the medicine and care for Diabetes. He is also into music composition and has won an award at the Ohio Valley and Kool Jazz Festival for his musical "Little Boy Jazz," performed at the Tony Award Winning Theater "The Marx at The Playhouse in the Park" and Culan's Music Humanitarian Award.
Global Indian KVP
Marian B Noronha
Mr Marian Noronha, Founder of Turbocam International, an aerospace manufacturer, has led the company from a start-up in 1985 to 450 employees worldwide and sales of over 80 million dollars. His company supports charitable work in India at a significant level. He spent much of his college years working in slums in Mumbai and villages in Maharashtra. His company created jobs in Goa as a solution to poverty; the Indian company now exports to several countries and supports local orphanages. Mr Noronha has, with help and funding from Turbocam, redeemed 42 slaves and their families in western Nepal, raised funds in the US and bought several pieces of land, establishing 92 ex-slave families in new villages. The villages are named Prem Nagar, Asha Nagar and Vishwas Nagar. He built and continues to support four schools with over 500 children. He has developed, funded and installed water drilling, pumpline and treatment systems in Nepal, India and Ghana. His company was awarded the Freedom Award by U.S. President George W. Bush in 2007 for extraordinary support of employees who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 2009 Business N.H. magazine named him the Business Leader of the year in New Hampshire, U.S.A.

Asha Glynis D'Souza
Asha is an amazing person with a servant-leader's heart, a development strategist's mind, a world citizen's vision, and a commitment to social justice that inspires those around her. Asha has previously been engaged in work for children's rights and the empowerment of women in Philippines, Cambodia and India. She then worked with the International Labour Organization in Geneva, Switzerland on the eradication of forced labour and trafficking and the protection of rights of migrant women workers. Back in India, disturbed by the socio-economic condition of poor families, mainly Harijans in the neighbourhood of Orchha called Ganj, she launched a social enterprise that allows these families to reap the economic and cultural benefits of tourism. The Orchha Home stay, an eco-tourism initiative, has proved to be an effective livelihoods programme - the incomes of the host families have more than doubled in a few months, allowing them to repair their homes, educate their children and access medical care. Besides, receiving people from different countries and cultures in their neighbourhood has been a sort of 'window on the world' for those who would never have the opportunity to travel and is gradually leading to better hygiene, more egalitarian man-woman relations, more stimulating parenting and greater care of the environment.
Real Wealth Creators for the Communities KVP
Tulashi Ballav Dash
Since 1992, Tulashi has been working for the socio-economic development of the tribal people, enhancing their capacities to earn better and lead a dignified life. He started by forming a SHG (self Help Group) of 120 women, to develop the social, economical, political and cultural aspects of the tribal community. Today 470 women from 60 villages have become members of this SHG and a SHG Federation has been established. Tulashi enhanced the capacity of these women by providing trainings on SHG Management, Leadership, book keeping, Microenterprise, Microfinance, Income generation activities and guided them to lobby and advocate for different issue related to livelihood of their community. Thanks to his efforts, 7 women from this SHG have become SARPANCH of different Panchayats, 30 women have become Word Member& 17 women are now Palli Sabha Members. The SHG has been giving loans to the tribals, thereby ending exploitation at the hands of moneylenders and releasing 600 acres of land. The money also empowered the tribals to have better access to health facilities. The SHG federation helps the community in the field of marketing. The federation has been instrumental in generating alternate livelihood options for lepers, thereby taking them away from begging. The Federation also helped 20 families to generate income through goat rearing and 150 tribal women through country chicken rearing activities. Tulashi also formed 3 thrift and credit co-operatives and 1 weaver's self reliant co-operative, with 91 women and 21 youth weavers as member. He provides trainings on co-operative management, marketing, product development, dyeing and design development to the weavers. He is also in liaison with the cluster development programme of the Govt of India for betterment of weavers community and linking them to the international and national buyers for their product.. Tulashi is also working for promotion of farmers club for sustainable agricultural practices. He has been instrumental in increasing the income of the tribal community of Sambalpur-Odisha(Orissa) manifold.

Nileema Mishra
Nileema Mishra, a Magasaysay awardee from a small village Bahadarpur, made up her mind to work for the upliftment of her village, at the age of 13. With a master's degree in Psychology, she joined the great social scientist Dr. S. S. Kalbag at Vigyan Ashram, Pabal. With 8 years experience in village development, she founded the Bhagini Nivedita Gramin Vigyan Niketan, at Bahadarpur in 2000. A follower of Gandhiji, Nileema cannot just stop waiting for the opportunities to come, she creates opportunities. She started by organising the reluctant village women into Self Help Groups. The movement which started with few SHGs in Bahadarpur, today has reached to more than 2000 groups. She encouraged women to make and exhibit eatable items. With help from Caring Friends, a warehouse has been constructed at Parole to store these goods in bulk, giving the women an opportunity to earn better. Now women have their own small outlets in four districts She also organised computer classes, quilt making and embroidery classes for women, which increased their income manifold. Knowing the determination and skills of women in entrepreneurship, she formed "Mahila Vyapari Sanghatana", a business association being managed completely by women. Aware of the plight of the farmers in her area, Nileema organized them into self-help groups and arranged interest-free loans for them. She started "Microfinance" program, not only to address the various needs of the farmers but also of poor tribals & slum dwellers from Dhule, who were being exploited by the money lenders. She arranged a revolving fund to cater the needs of the community. She has empowered Gramsabha by giving them rights to recommend an applicant for the assistance from Revolving fund and Gram Nidhi. Over the course of the last ten years, Nileema has faced a number of challenges but has stood firm by her convictions. She has a vision of self sustained village and she is working with all her zeal to realise her dream.