Civil Society KVP - Environment

Bibhu Prasad Mohanty
Bibhu Prasad Mohanty hails from Bhubaneswar, Orissa and is a seasoned and versatile Environmental Activist, Researcher, Teacher and Livelihood Promoter. Backed by strong academic credentials, he has had an eventful career of nearly 2 decades in the areas of Food & livelihood Security, Rural & Tribal Development, Organic Farming, Forest Resource Development, Sustainable Agriculture, Ecology and Environment, Conservation of Biodiversity, Food security and Developmental Communication. He has actively been campaigning in Chilika Bachao Movement, Joint Forest Management, Citizen's action on Environmental Pollution, Gandhian Thoughts for Village prosperity, Literacy for all and Conservation of Biodiversity. Apart from environment, Mr. Mohanty has been associated with several other issues. He has worked with BISWA, the biggest microfinance organization of Orissa as Director- Operation and is at present working as Programme Director of THREAD, famous for ecological security and gender equity at national and international level. He has been serving as a Livelihood Consultant for Mission Shakti, Govt. of Orissa initiative for Women Empowerment and Gender Equality. He has also served as an international consultant in evaluation of Y-PEER projects on HIV/AIDS prevention in Serbia, Macedonia and Egypt. He has been instrumental in building successful market linkages for farmers and forest material producers, processors and marketers. He has been Chairman & Chief Consultant to Development Projects. Also, has been involved in setting consultancy house and providing consultancy and training services to NGOs and financial institutes. Spiritual Philosophy and Nationalism of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother influenced all his works and achievements.Communal Hormony KVP

Dr. Atul Krishna
Dr. Atul Krishna is a reputed surgeon and educationist of Northern India, whose tireless efforts to bring communal harmony in the riot ridden city of Meerut, saved many lives in 1987. He is the founder and committed worker of Subharti, a well known, reputed and respected NGO, which is working relentlessly in the field of health care, education and a national integration, in Meerut and adjoining villages and out reach areas. Through this organization he is spreading the message of nationalism, respect for each other's social and religious sentiments and humanity through various programs launched by him and his organization. He has also established primary, junior high school and higher secondary schools, in remotest part of villages in U.P. In the medical sphere, five hospitals and two multi-specialty tertiary care hospitals are being run successfully by the organization in villages, and in Meerut City. The most recent step in this direction has been the establishment of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University under section 2f of UGC Act. The university has 11 faculties including a Medical, Dental, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Engineering, Law, Fine Arts, Management, Hotel Management etc. where, along with academic and technical education, character building of the youth is provided to produce a national human resource for a strong and united India of tomorrow.Promoting Citizen Action KVP

Promod Chawla
Promod Chawla is Founder Trustee of NNFI, National Network For India Trust, started in 2001. They spearhead Citizen Group Action using Networking & Internet Communication Tools which engulfs 400 like minded Groups & an enviable data base. Coming from a Corporate Management discipline, with great belief in Lateral Thinking; the focus is on tackling the paradox India faces with majority deprived, a crumbled Infrastructure & jobless rural Youth. NNFI's belief is: Convicted Criminals, increased to 152 in 14th Lok Sabha since May 2009, from 128 earlier, must not be Law Makers. NNFI closely interacts with the PM Secretariat, Election Commission of India, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Law & Justice to leverage Transformational Change. Factoring 2G scam, CWG wrongs, Land grabs by Leaders in UP & Karnataka, as well as money in Tax Havens, NNFI facilitates debate & India to Tip to fundamental corrections in Governance. NNFI lends a hand in putting a halt to legislators indulging both in physical & intellectual dishonesty.Student Citizen KVP

Kush Kalra
Kush Kalra, law student and human rights activist, has actively been spreading human rights awareness among school children of Saharanpur district, U.P without any cost. He has received COMMENDATION from Youth for Human Rights International, U.S.A for his efforts of creating awareness in Saharanpur, U.P, India. He was one of the finalists of Global Young Achievers' Award For Social Work, 2009 and also the regional finalist of International Climate Champion, 2009 organized by British Council, New Delhi for his awareness campaign project- "Ban of Poly Bags". At an international level, Kush is an active Member of Youth for Human Rights International, Los Angeles, CA 90027, USA. He is member of Liberal Youth Forum, India and has attended workshops with Liberal Youth Forum on Leaderships and Liberal Understandings. At this young age he shown extraordinary commitment to bring about an affirmative change in the society. He firmly believes that education can make a whole lot of difference in our society and he clearly states that "If there is education, there will be everything in life. Government can make roads, hospitals and also construct school buildings. But your homes can brighten up only if your children are educated."Artistes 4 Change KVP - Mainstream Actor

Anupam Kher
Anupam Kher's voyage as an actor has taken him to several places in the world. His passion that catapulted Padma Shri award for him, have made him one of the greatest actors of contemporary cinema. In 2005, he established his dream project "Actor Prepares"-a premier acting school where he personally imparts some of his acting secrets to tomorrow's actors and superstars. He was recently awarded the Teacher's Lifetime Achievement for his contribution to cinema and social work. Shredding the comfortable cocoon that a star of his stature would live within, concerned with giving back something to society and those less privileged then him, he has been a teacher to differently-abled children for many years now and is one of the founder members of 'The People For Animals'. In 2008, he established The Anupam Kher Foundation- a public charitable trust, to spread education among less privileged children and to provide palliative care to people with life-limiting diseases. Through these interactions and associations, he has developed a sensitivity towards the plight of destitute children for whom enjoying their childhood becomes a luxury. This foundation is a tribute to these countless, nameless children and through this journey, he attempts to bring happiness to the lives of such children and ensure that they become agents of change in the society as they grow along the years.Artistes 4 Change KVP - Music Band

India Ocean - Asheem Chakravarty
Asheem was a man with golden voice. He was the co-founder of Indian Ocean band. He played traditional Indian percussion instruments in completely innovative ways, and even played rhythm structures on a bass guitar. Brought up in an atmosphere of Indian classical, folk and other Indian forms, Asheem showed his rhythmic spark at an extremely early age. Asheem was into osho, numerology, astrology, naturotherapy, yoga, mediation. Asheem was known to make people whose job required them to be intimidating, like a US visa officer or security guards, smile. The band is known for the Indo-rock fusion with jazz-spiced rhythms that integrates shlokas, sufism, environmentalism, mythology and revolution. Kandisa- an album released in March 2000 was one of the best-loved albums produced in India. Kandisa acquired cult status and propelled Indian Ocean into the status of one of India's most original and creative bands. The band has played at several of the country's most prestigious venues including the Red Fort, the Gateway of India, Vasanthabba (Bangalore) and the Temples of Khajuraho.India Ocean - Susmit Sen

India Ocean - Amit Kilam

India Ocean - Rahul Ram